by Amy | Feb 5, 2012 | Events
Did you attend the MyCharityConnects conference? Take a moment to say “Hi”: @AmySept on Twitter or email [email protected]. Also, check out my Storify coverage of my conference experience: Update from Day 1, update from Day 2. ♦♦♦ My session at...
by Amy | Jul 7, 2011 | Blog, social media
This is a bit off-topic for some of my non-profit readers, but for the geeks in the crowd I’m sure by now it’s been hammered home: It’s Google+ week. (For general info on Google+, see recommended sources at end of post, or click image at left.) This...
by Amy | Jun 5, 2011 | Blog
RSS Graffiti and I met on someone else’s Facebook Page. It wasn’t love at first sight; I’m not a fan of cross-posting and I was wary about just how useful this Facebook app could be. But – isn’t there always a “but”? –...